Dear media professionals:
We’re thrilled you’re here. We’re here to provide you with answers to your questions, resources, interviews, or media materials to support your reporting. Please let us know how we can be of assistance.
International Press office: press@oxitec.com +1-202-792-3080
Brazil Press Office: oxitec.imprensa@vireinoticia.com.br +55 11 98772-1162
Partnership inquiries: partnerships@oxitec.com
Speaking requests: press@oxitec.com
Fact Sheet
Company Name: Oxitec, Ltd.
Founded: 2002
Headquarters: Oxford, UK
CEO: Grey Frandsen
CTO: Kelly Matzen, PhD
CFO: Eva Darrington
Employees: 180+
Staff Nationalities: 15+ nationalities
R&D Centers: Oxford, UK and Campinas, Brazil
Status: Privately-owned
Scientific Publications: 100+
About Oxitec’s technology: click here
Virtual Lab Tour: click here
Our partnerships: Bayer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome

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Recent Press Releases
Oxitec in the Media
The world's newest weapon against malaria? Mosquitoes
Case Studies
Our Friendly™ mosquitoes have been released for more than a decade, generating a long track record of effectively suppressing Aedes aegypti in a range of settings. In both small- and large-scale pilot projects in countries like Brazil, Panama and the Cayman Islands, Friendly™ mosquitoes have suppressed wild populations by more than 90% relative to untreated areas – a level of control greater than that typically achieved with insecticides.
Click to learn more
Scientific Evidence & Reports
Oxitec’s technology has been studied by scientists worldwide for more than a decade in a range of countries and projects. Please find a select list of the 100+ peer-reviewed, scientific journal articles and papers published about our technology. Publications are organised by year for easy reference.