Oxitec People: Matilda Hewitt, Group Lead, Rearing Development, UK

Oxitec People: Matilda Hewitt, Group Lead, Rearing Development, UK

Can you tell us about your role at Oxitec and what it entails? 

I am currently working as a Group Lead within Oxitec’s development department. My role involves working with a variety of teams and stakeholders to innovate and validate new insect manufacturing processes and systems, to enable the production of Oxitec’s insects on a very large scale. I am also responsible for supporting the transfer of processes and technical knowledge to teams in countries where our Friendly™ solutions will be deployed. Last year I had the opportunity to do lots of travel to our Oxitec sites, and to work with teams in multiple continents: it was fantastic to see the work being done, and to meet the communities we’re seeking to serve, in person.

What motivated you to join Oxitec’s mission?

I undertook my BSc and MSc within the topical disease biology field at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. During this time, I undertook two malaria vector control research projects, one lab-based, and one field-based, in rural Tanzania. Seeing first-hand the burden that malaria caused on the communities I engaged with, solidified my desire to become part of the global effort to drive malaria to eradication. I had learned about Oxitec while studying in Liverpool, and their mission and values certainly aligned with mine. I was very fortunate when a job vacancy became available soon after my studies, specifically working on Oxitec’s Friendly™ Anopheles mosquitoes, and I’m still here nearly 6 years later!

What do you enjoy about your role?

I have really enjoyed working with a number of different pest insects during my time at Oxitec. Each insect has its behavioural quirks, and it’s very satisfying identifying those quirks and using them to support mass rearing. I also really enjoy working with lots of different people. Having worked on multiple projects at Oxitec, it’s been a real pleasure to collaborate with a wide range of team members, including those who work at our global Oxitec sites.

Fundamentally, I think the most satisfying aspect about my role is the potential for our technology to positively impact communities around the world, whether that be by protecting people threatened by vector-borne disease or farmers’ livelihoods.

What advice would you give to others wanting to pursue your area of work?

My role is often a combination of applying my expertise in entomology (insect science) with people management. In terms of entomology and science in general, a scientific background is important, as well gaining as much experience you can get in your field of interest. In terms of people management, my motto is “Look after your team, and the technical often looks after itself”. In my experience, if you give your team the tools they need to do their job, and empower them, a project will often be more successful. Some more general advice would be to be enthusiastic and to say yes to opportunities that come your way, to get as much diverse experience as possible. And finally, never give up: the pathway to success - whether that be a career goal or a work milestone - often isn’t linear, you may have to try different routes to get there, but there is always a way!

Stephanie Moumtzis